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Car Storage Services

For our customers from USA Japan Partner Inc. offers outdoor storage services for the cars that haven't reached yet 25-years age.

Our customers from USA can purchase a vehicle from Japan Partner Inc. that hasn't reached its 25 years to be legally imported into USA and store it in our facility for $100 per month. When buying 25-year old car beforehand you can get a cheaper price and wider range of selection: grades, mileage, condition.

Basic storage services inlcudes turning on egnition each 3 months to run for 30 minutes, switching clutch.

Before shipping your car to USA we make a free pre-shipment inspection for the customers who bought a car from our company.

If you already have a car you want to store it at Japan Partner Inc. yard the fee of $150 per month. Also we can perform a pre-shipment inspection at additional $100 with full report and make needed repairs, parts changes if needed. All parts for replacements and repairs are up to discussion. After storage you can use Japan Partner Inc as your car export agent and we will handle all export paper work and shipping of your car to USA.

Contact us if you need to order our storage services:

Inquiry form Contact us

Skype: world.japanpartner

Phone: +81-567-94-0015 (for phone calls please take into consideration time difference with Japanese office and non-working days)


Related links:

25-Year Old Cars stock for USA customers

Information for customers temporarily residing in Japan

Car export/shipping documentation

Cars importing into the USA frequently asked questions

Customer reviews